Providing I can actually get to sleep.
As some of you may know I've been battling sleep deprivation and I have to say I understand why they use it as a form of torture. Between my dog being sick and needing to go out every hour during the night and my Mom's heart acting up so I'm on heart attack watch during the day there hasn't been much time for me to sleep. After literally walking into walls, and doing a bunch of stupid stuff and generally not being able to think straight to the point of not knowing who I am at times I caved and took some sleeping pills....I wouldn't be any good to anyone if I'd continued with so little sleep.
So, I'm beginning to catch up, my dog has cut his nightly outings to twice a night and Mom is on oxygen at night. PHEW!
Of course it's slowed everything down. Haven't even opened the drawing program to illustrate a pattern in what feels like months, though it may only be ten days. I did finish the Isadora necklace and earrings set which is also what inspired the Spinal Tap and Blue Danube bangles. I really like the earrings :)
My pet project at the moment is my Corkscrew line...this is the one that has been ripped out and started over about seven times now. The picture you see here was right before I ripped the work out again due to thread breakage. It's a simple little idea that isn't so simple to get right. The picture shows the same piece of beadwork with a Lea Avroch lampwork spiral on the left and one of my polymer spirals on the right. I'm all about things being interchangeable and reversible and this will be a pendant you're able to change out to suit your mood or match your outfit.
Once I get the rope done it will make more!
It is a tough design because the cellini has to spiral the right way (there will have to be four set-ups in the tutorial to cover how everyone beads) and it has to match thhe spiral....too skinny a center and the spiral will spin itself right off with a little help from gravity. There is some secret hardware involved which I'm not talking about yet because, well, it's secret :)
I will be carrying it in my Artfire store though.
No beading work for me this week as early Friday morning we leave for a trip up north for my niece's wedding. Me, Mom and the fixings for the nine table centers I have to do. With no fresh flowers allowed (huh?) and no candles with wedding colors of black, silver and purple I had to get creative and so I decided on these cake platters (which is a 13" silver platter atop an upside down painted flowerpot). Mom made some sequined balls (to be saved for my niece's Christmas tree as a memory of her wedding and her grandmother) and we bought some decorator balls which I sprayed silver.
Though the grapevine is silk the grapes are real...about 4lbs for each one.
It's unusual, I know, but for a semi-Gothic wedding they should fit right in.
I will be taking my laptop with me so I can still work my stores, but I won't be taking any beading...I'm being realistic on that one :) My Kindle, which is the best thing I've bought in years, is going with me to keep me occupied in the down time.
I hope to have fun but I will be glad to get home and get back to my normal routine.