Friday, December 11, 2009


So, late last night I decided to play with some mathematical ideas. The first one is a cuboctohedron and the second one is a rondelle based on the cuboctohedron...I'll have to figure out what it really is in the mathematical world.
I actually had another almost complete but wasn't happy with how the beads were was pretty though....all done in Swarovski crystals and, beacause of the colorway, it looked like a pointsettia bead. The trick with these beads is to get the right size and shape of the beads you use......for them to be mathematically correct that is. At least I've discovered what shapes and sizes will work which is why we do prototypes....right?
Yesterday was a lot of fun. Artbeads Tweeted and Facebooked my Dalek Deca and it was very cool to see it out there even if it's not completely finished. Thank you Artbeads and Duchess.
I just realised this is my 100th post....a milestone.


  1. Congratulations on your 100th post...

    Both beads are great but I really like you rondelle...


  2. I admire mathematical beadwork! Nice work!


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