Sunday, November 29, 2009

Grail Quest

No, I don't have Da Vinci Code fever. Actually, I've always been interested in Arthurian legend, the Grail Quest, Pagan religions, etc. I have my own collection of 'grails' in storage....think about the array of grails in the Indian Jones movie. I'm not really a collector but I started acquiring goblets, my grail quest, about twenty years ago as my statement about man's search for the wrong thing and the demotion of women in society.
Reading Dan Brown's books and watching all the subsequent documentaries has me
picking up the thread of my life I dropped about five years ago when my life got all messed up with the immmigration thing.

And what does this have to do with beading? Well....I'm thinking I'd like to make a bead grail, actually it's Morganna's idea, yes, she was designing in my sleep. I've been doing a lot of beadwork based on structure and form lately and I like that I can create independently standing structures from beads. I can actually see me creating a bunch of beaded chalices and maybe that will be my 'thing'.

I'm researching a new type of class too. At the cabochon bezel class, as we were leaving, I pointed out the selection of pressed flowers the store carries and how pretty they would look set in a cabochon. This sparked some interest, and, as I've done resin work before it seems like making our own pressed flower cabochons would be a good class to do. I need to find the right molds as the store doesn't carry those, but if I remember rightly Dick Blick does. I'd like to have one class a month about making beads in one form or another....polymer clay beads, paper beads, fabric beads, etc. I have made all these kinds of beads before but I need to refresh myself before I start teaching.

1 comment:

  1. A beaded that sounds challenging! I look forward to seeing what you come up with!
    Good luck with your researching...


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