Saturday, November 28, 2009

December Projects

As promised photos of next month's projects. We'll be doing a couple of different rings, a couple of different quick bracelets and, to trim up the holidays, an ornament drape and a beaded ornament. Of course, the beaded ornament is really a large version of a beaded bead so once you've got it down in large format, try it with smaller beads.
December 1st: Flat Herringbone bracelet
December 3rd: Tubular Herringbone bracelet
December 8th: Pearl Bezeled ring
December 10th: Right Angle Weave ring
December 15th: Ornament Drape
December 17th: Beaded Ornament

A little secret out of the bag. If you go to the store and look at magazines you'll see the new BeadStar magazine cover and first two pages. It let's the cat out of the bag as to some of the winners.


  1. Wow Mikki great projects...I particularly like the top two silver colored flat bracelets and the rings!!!


  2. Thanks Heather, it's a challenge creating classes with a two hour time limit in a craft store. A lot of people who take classes at a craft store want to walk out wearing the project and as we know that's rarely doable with bead weaving, fortunately my core group of students understand this.


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