Wednesday, May 18, 2011

PUCC it!

I've talked about it and now I need to do it.
So, today I am determined to write the contract for the Personal Use Contract Club and start reorganizing my stores.
If this is the first time you're reading about PUCC let me explain.

Due to the dishonest and unethical people who purchase a 'personal use' pattern or tutorial from me and then proceed to make and sell the design, typically with no mention of me, the designer, I've decided the only way around this is to publish my tutorials only as commercial editions. Commercial editions basically have royalty payments paid up front though they don't give permission to the buyer to teach the design or to claim it as their own.
I'm not the only designer who has wasted a BUNCH of time tracking these people down, writing cease and desist letters to them and generally been frustrated by the lack of ethics of these people.

However, because I hate that the honest, ethical people are always caught in the middle and end up having to pay a higher price due to the dishonesty of others I wanted to create something to get around it.
So....if you sign the aforementioned contract saying you will only use my tutorials for your own personal use I will create a special coupon code for you which will get you 40% off any qualifying tutorial.

Of course I have to do a whole reorganization of my stores so this new program can work. My flatwork/peyote patterns will stay 'Personal Use Only' with an upgrade available for 'RTS' (rights to sell) and will not be part of the PUCC program.  I will be creating new sections in my stores that will be 'tiered'.
"Tutorials, Tier 1" will be tutorials which are priced commercially at $15 and will be $9 in the PUCC program.
 "Tutorials, Tier 2" will be tutorials which are priced commercially at $20 and will be $12 in the PUCC program.
"Tutorials, Tier 3" will be tutorials which are priced commercially at $25 and will be $15 in the PUCC program....etc.

I will also have a section where you can upgrade a PUCC tutorial to the commercial version with a 'tier' upgrade.  When you do this (also when you upgrade a flatwork pattern) you will recieve a permissions cover sheet for the pattern you wish to upgrade.

For people wishing to teach my designs there will also be a section for a teacher's upgrade.

So...I have a fair bit of work to do but I think this will be the way to avoid all the frustrations and still be fair.  Some prices may change to fall into the applicable tier.  If you like my program and want to use it...please do, the more designers who adopt a common system the more people will use it.
My goal is to have everything in place and working by June 1st with the contract up later today so people can be ready to get those 40% discounts :)


  1. I like that idea and will have no problem signing a PUCC even for the one I currently have.

  2. Mikki--I agree with Kristen--I'll be happy to sign a PUCC for any patterns I already have. CJ

  3. Though it will initially involve more work for you, I love this idea. I too will gladly sign a PUCC t for any patterns I currently have or may purchase in the future. Sad that it has to come to this & hopefully people will adhere to the contract. At the very least, if found out, they will have no way to claim ignorance.

  4. Thanks you guys! most people say we have no grounds for legal action a contract does give us that. It is sad that we have to do something like this but it is the reality.

  5. I think this is a great idea...I'd be happy to sign the contract too.



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