Tuesday, January 12, 2010

On Track

No pictures to show for the last few days of work as I've been glued to my computer writing instructions. One of my goals for the new year was to get three months ahead with projects for my classes and I'm on track to do that....so far, so good.

Now, if I could do so well with my personal health goals I'd be a very happy camper. I hit 150 on the scale after the holidays and that means I've gained 15lbs in the last twenty months. I know that doesn't seem much to a lot of people but my weight had been constant for about 15 years so it horrifies me. A couple of years ago someone bought me a skipping rope as a joke (he said my personality reminded him of skipping)....now I'm thinking about using it.


  1. Congratulations to you for being on track with your goals...sometimes that is difficult to do!!!

    I do understand... 15 lbs to you in twenty months fells terrible...it is all relative to what we are accustomed to...you will work it out I'm sure!


  2. oops... should be "feels"...fingers are working faster than my brain!


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