Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Beadsmith Project......DONE!

 Finally finished the two projects for Beadsmith, I ended up with two necklaces purely because I couldn't find a matching delica for the silver clasp that I was happy with.  After seeing some of the other amazing pieces people made I think mine are a little on the simple side.....maybe I approached the challenge differently?  My thought was to make something that showed the clasp off and was simple enough to make people think "I could do that" they'd run out and buy the clasp.  The black piece in particular....because I figured even if you are a stringer you could work something up similar.

And my sprint to the end of this year

I'm now working on what I call a Steampunk piece though it's not like any I've seen.....the idea for it was a cog on a conveyor belt or gear on a bike chain. It's sort of got an Egyptian feel to it...don't ask how THAT!
Sometimes I think my muse and I think very differently.   Anyway....I have a couple of inches and a clasp to go on that pictures should be up tomorrow.

Today I'm back at the drawing board...the computerized version, of course.
I completed three pages of the Corrugated Filigree Necklace tutorial yesterday,  I can use ten pages for the two components that are the same as the bracelet I figure I have another ten or twelve to write and illustrate.  Five new components in the necklace.

The goal is to finish the tutorial and write another (simpler) one.
To finish the Steampunk necklace, make the final link for my Deco bracelet, and finish an alternate using Twin beads of my embellished corrugated bangle.
All by the end of the year...I can see me being up at midnight on New Year's Eve....and not to see 2012 in :)

As for  what 2012 holds......
I get my life back
I start sculpting with beads
I paint again
I get on the teaching circuit
Please God!


  1. I love them both!! Here's to a GREAT 2012!!


  2. Both of your lovely necklaces would look stunning on a New Year's Eve outfit.

  3. Both necklaces are gorgeous, and I'm sure your new steampunk piece will be gorgeous as well. Looking forward to 2012!

  4. Preciosos collares, el plateado con el cierre de perla es espectacular!!! Feliz Año Nuevo!!!

  5. Thanks so much and I hope 2012 is wonderful for each and every one of you :)


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