Friday, September 25, 2009

Play with Clay & Project Runway

Hehehehe...I'm a poet!

Firstly....PR last night was awesome. Christopher was once again brilliant. I want that dress!

For those of you who didn't catch it the challenge was to create a costume for a character they made up in a film genre they got to draw cards for. Christopher chose "Period" and created a fabulous Victorian-inspired dress complete with bustle. It was the top that was sensational. He did a halter (not Victorian) that had a jabot in the back. He was squeezed out of first place by Nicholas who created a Sci-Fi ice queen, which was good but personally I think the L'Oreal hair and make-up crew won it for him with a sensational design. They had sugar syrup running down the model's hair and it looked just like icicles.

Play with Clay

This morning the blogs seem full of polymer clay beads and it's making me want to make them again. has a list of some great polymer bead artists today a lot with sales going on so head on over and check it out. is featuring a sweet little necklace she made with a birdie focal by bead artist Jeannie (
Also check out Andrew Thornton's rummage sale where you can snatch up one of Andrew's destash treasures....gotta admit, the man has an eye!

My work

Yes, I actually did get some beading done last night...not finished but progress was made. The new design I'm working on, which I have given the working title of "Urchin Wings" is coming together. The piece has now got both it's wings and two strands of the band (I think there will be eight in the end). These strands resemble vertebrae and I'm calling them spines.
It's Gothic looking but elegant...definitely 'Gothic Grown-Up' and I'm seeing so many variations of it. I have already designed a finger armor piece to match it. I think I'll be playing with this design for quite a while.

I wish there were more hours in the day so I could do everything I want to.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mikki,
    thanks for linking my blog! And watch out for more pc beads made by Jeannie coming up in my pieces, as she sent me many more......:-)


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